Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Onion shortage

Jamaica is currently experiencing a shortage of onions. Unlike a number of other produce, however, the onion shortage is not due principally to the ongoing drought in Jamaica; rather it is due to supply issues in Europe, according to Donovan Stanberry, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture.Mr. Stanberry told RJR News that Jamaica does not produce enough onions to satisfy local demand. He explained that the Netherlands is the main source of imported onions for Jamaica and that the “supply issue” had arisen in that European state.      

“I gather that that issue is now being solved, and so we should start seeing onions flowing,” he said.

The Permanent Secretary added that he was expecting that, with a return to normal supplies of onion, the price on the local market will come down in short order.

View the original article here

Onion shortage