Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Health ministry prepares for possible ebloa outbrreak

As part of ongoing preparations for a possible introduction of the ebola virus into Jamaica, the Ministry of Health is undertaking ongoing activities to ensure that the requisite systems and resources are in place to enable a comprehensive response.

Acting Director, Emergency, Disaster Management and Special Services, Dr Sonia Copeland, points out that although Jamaica has no case of ebola at this time, it continues its preparation against the background of the current outbreak in west Africa.

“Our preparation activities have been heightened in line with World Health Organisation recommendations. We urge members of the public to pay close attention to information about ebola especially if they have to travel to any of the affected countries,” she said.

The overall situation of the ebola outbreak in west and central Africa remains critical. The following countries are now affected: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal. As of September 25, 2014, the World Health Organisation reports a cumulative total of 6,263 cases including 2,917 deaths from the affected countries.

She said persons are advised to avoid non-essential travel to the affected areas. If persons have to travel to these areas they are advised not to handle dead animals and restrict close and intimate contact with persons who may be infected or could be a contact of an infected person.

Ebola is transmitted through direct contact with blood and other bodily fluids or secretions such as stool, saliva, urine and semen of infected persons. Infection can also occur if broken skin comes in contact with environments that have become contaminated with an ebola patient’s infectious fluids such as soiled clothing, bed linen or used needles.

For more information persons may contact the Ministry of Health Emergency Operations Centre at 1888-663-5683 or 1888-ONE LOVE.

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Health ministry prepares for possible ebloa outbrreak